Hey Queenstown Now Is a Great Time to Get on Top of Your Injury.

Sport and Exercise Physician
April 27, 2020
Sport and Exercise Physician
April 27, 2020
It’s been a strange time for our active, adventurous, sport-loving community. The Queenstown community, along with the rest of New Zealand, has shown real resilience during a difficult time when a lot of what we have taken for granted suddenly changed overnight. On a positive note, this has seen a resurgence of home-based exercise programmes, regular walking, and even picking up of new skills/activities, all of which have a lot of health benefits but also may cause injury.
Now is a great time to get on top of your injury.
Whether it’s that niggly shoulder pain that was there when on the construction site before Level 4 lockdown and ‘she’ll be right’ hasn’t fixed it. Or doing the home-based HIIT circuit, DIY-ing, or reinventing the garden has caused that hip pain to resurface.
Whatever your injury, we can help get your diagnosis and management plan sorted, whilst liaising with your local allied health, GP and physio providers.
You don’t even have to leave your home, we can conduct our consultations over video.
At Axis we’ve been doing video consults for a long time – as our management of our elite overseas athletes is often performed like this. You can stay safe in your bubble and have a specialist consult and any required follow-ups; free with an ACC referral or utilising health insurance providers. I can also sort further urgent diagnostic tests if required (such as MRI) and help direct a management plan while helping you keep active with your goal in sight.
Ph: +64 3 662 9400
Stay tuned, next week I will be sharing the basis behind ‘ load management in achieving your physical goals’
See you soon
Dr Sarah Beable
Axis Sports Medicine - Queenstown is run by Dr Sarah Beable, a locally based Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician, she is one of the New Zealand Olympic team doctors and also works with the New Zealand Snow Sports team. Sarah is a keen athlete herself and she has excellent knowledge of the demands of certain outdoor pursuits and physical occupations specialising in the diagnosis, and management tailored to your goal.