How does it work, and what can I expect?
Shockwave therapy involves directing ultrasound shockwaves towards damaged tissue which in turn promotes healing. The shockwaves promote increased blood circulation and metabolism in the impact area, which accelerates the healing processes.
- In the short term, most people see an improvement in their symptoms. This is due to a change in the way the body perceives pain.
- In the longer term, shockwave has been shown to help assist with tendon remodelling and healing.

Not all shockwave is the same
It is important to realise that not all shockwave machines are the same and that your treatment is conducted in line with international best practice. Our Swiss Dolorclast machines have robust clinical data to support their use.

How do I arrange shockwave?
Shockwave is one of a range of treatments that can be used to treat injuries, make an appointment to see if it is right for your condition.
- Exisiting patients
If you already see one of the Axis team, ask us if we think shockwave could assist in your recovery.
- New patients and referrals
We accept referrals from other clinicians like your orthopaedic surgeon, podiatrist or rheumatologist. Ask them to arrange the referral, and then book in with us.