Understand exactly the nutrition you need to fuel your body and give it the energy to function and perform.
Feel better, with enhanced energy, normal bodily functions, and injuries that heal.
Over time, you will see improvements in your athletic performance and be better able to tolerate training loads.
People with LEA may experience one or more of a variety of symptoms, such as:
When one or more of these symptoms are significant, it may be diagnosed as relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S).
Most cases of LEA can be treated by spending time with our Performance Dietitian, Dane Baker.
At our clinic, we help you balance your energy needs and intake with a structured, personalised and science-based nutrition plan. It’s about understanding what fuel your body needs and when for optimum overall health, energy and performance.
Unlike many nutritionists, we take a complete view of your health and performance. Working alongside your medical team, we look at test results, design plans to suit your training schedule, and customise our advice to your needs.
If you have been diagnosed with RED-S, or we suspect you may be suffering from it, you will first be seen by one of our Sport and Exercise Physicians who have expertise in this area.
In some cases of LEA where symptoms are significant, you may be diagnosed with RED-S and need more than just nutritional advice. We provide an approach to treating RED-S, that brings together a team of physicians, dietitians and other clinicians to surround you with the expertise and support to get back on top of your health.
What to expect?