Sleep and Recovery - Athlete Tips For Getting a Good Nights Sleep

Sport and Exercise Physician | Managing Director
January 21, 2019
Sport and Exercise Physician | Managing Director
January 21, 2019
A lack of sleep can have major implications on an athlete’s performance (and also their general health and wellbeing). We have recently completed a study looking at the sleep habits of elite athletes (playing rugby, football or netball) and comparing them with other patients that presented to our clinic. Our hypothesis was that the elite athlete group, for a variety of lifestyle reasons, would have poor sleep hygiene. What we actually found was that virtually everyone had poor sleep hygiene. Reviewing the evidence about sleeping disorders this is perhaps not surprising. It has been estimated that about one in three adults have issues with sleep that can interfere with daily activities. Sleepiness has been associated with accidents at work or at home and is a recognised cause of serious automobile accidents and fatalities. It has been estimated that a lack of sleep is associated with direct and indirect costs (like a loss of work productivity) of $150 billion per year in the United States alone.
The importance of sleep for athletic performance is increasingly being recognised. It is however often overlooked for other more ‘fancy’ options like compression devices or supplements. A range of elite athletes, like Roger Federer, are known to routinely get between 10-12 hours a night. This is compared that to an average of 6.44 hours for the ‘common man’. The immediate physical downsides of not sleeping enough include reduced reaction times, lower metabolism, decreased strength and a sense that you’re exerting yourself much harder than you actually are.
Based on the results of our study you may wish to consider these tips to get a better night’s sleep.