Simon is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician at Axis, having completed his ACSEP fellowship training in 2020.
Since graduating from The University of Auckland in 2008, Simon has been based in various parts of NZ's North Island, working in both Orthopaedics and Sport and Exercise Medicine. He joined the team at Axis in 2018.
Simon has a keen interest in keeping individuals of all shapes and sizes physically active, with consultations aimed at identifying rehabilitation activities in which they can participate suited to their injuries and circumstances.
Outside of work, Simon has an interest in a variety of sports with an attitude of giving anything a go. He played football (soccer) competitively at senior men's level with the highlight of being involved in the championship-winning Taradale AFC Premiership team in Hawkes Bay. He also has a keen interest in skiing.
His research, published in the BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine in 2020, explored the prevalence of depressive symptoms and life stresses experienced by New Zealand elite-level coaches.