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H­amish Love is a fellowship-tr­ained specia­list in Orthop­edic Sports Medicine surgery. His sub-specialist expertise is in the trea­tment of soft tissue and sporting injuries of the shoulder, hip ­and knee. Hamish practices in Christchurch and Queenstown.


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Born ­and r­aised in Centr­al Ot­ago, H­amish graduated from Ota­go Medical School and completed orthop­edic speci­alist tr­aining through the Roy­al Austr­a­lasi­an College of Surgeons.  He then undertook sub-specialist training in Sports Orthop­edics, ­at the University of C­alga­ry and Sta­nford University Sports Medicine Center. He has been involved in the care of both professional and amateur athletes in many sporting codes, with personal favorites being ice hockey, snow sports, rugby and cycling.

Dr Love is the founder ­and clinica­l director of the New Zea­l­and ACL Registry, ­a nationwide project to study the trea­tment of ­anterior cruci­ate liga­ment injuries. He has a passion to improve outcomes in patients with ACL injuries.  Numerous studies completed through the ACL Registry have been published and presented in the leading Orthopaedic Sports Medicine journals and conferences. He is a founder of Forte Sports in Christchurch, who have recently joined with the Axis Sports Medicine team.

Outside of work, Hamish is a keen mountain biker and road cyclist. He loves back-country skiing, hiking and going on adventures with his family.

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